Friday, May 18, 2012

Alisa in Illinois

When I arrived at the Green household, I was greeted with lots of hugs and a few tears.  Alisa is also a member of Team Knaup and has lupus.  She and her family welcomed me with open arms.
Shortly after I arrived, Alisa said we should all go on a four wheeler ride.  This machine was HUGE for little ole me!  But, since I've heard the Green's are notorious ATV racers ... I knew it would be fun!  So, I jumped right on!
Good thing I'm laminated ~ there's water ahead!
Next, I took a ride with Jeremy and Lainey.  Lainey held onto me real tight to keep me safe.  Riding a four wheeler is pretty fun!
I even got to take a ride with Jeremy and Justin.  Justin is a great little guy.  I think we could be snuggle buddies.  And he giggles a lot.
They took me all around and I saw some beautiful country.

Wide open spaces!
We even came upon a turtle laying eggs!  We were SO excited, but not nearly as excited as Alisa.  She was down right giddy!  I went in for a closer look.
After the four wheeler ride we traveled across Bass Lake to visit their good friends, The Melcho's.  They took me on a HARLEY ride!  Now that was one COOL motorcycle!  After that I got to jump on a trampoline.
I really enjoyed my visit with the Green family.  They showed me that you can't let things get you down, you gotta keep fighting.  Alisa is such a fun mama.  And Jeremy a great supporter for Alisa and their kiddos. Alisa told me something that I will never forget.
I may have lupus,
but it doesn't have me!
I still do the things I love!

I will carry that with me.  I said my goodbyes and am now headed to my next destination.  Stay tuned!